Hi My Beautiful Doll faces.... I made this awesome costume with two looks in one! First is the Doll Face look, then the Marie Antoinette look...with just a few simple costume and wig changes you can get both or either look!
All the things I used in the video (it's alot) will be on my blog:
The blue wig is a Katy Perry looking wig and the other 2 Marie Antoinette wigs are from California Costume.
The doll lashes and all the costumes and make-up will be listed on my blog!
Hope you guys love these looks! They are some of my favorites!!!
Come join me on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kandeethemakeupartist TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/kandeejohnson
My personal BLOGGY: http://www.kandeeland.com
My other youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/thekandeejohnsonshow
link to video of song that NewYorkOutlawz wrote for me: (i love it!!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1hjrQIMNkU&feature=relmfu
So excited because my friends at Urban Decay invited me to be featured on their website (AND GUYS..invited does not mean sponsored!)...I already own most of these products......but they did send me some new things that I am loving! Thanks URBAN DECAY FOR inviting me to be featured on your site since I've been such a HUGE URBAN DECAY FAN since my first eyeshadow 15 years ago!!!!
AND NO this is NOT a paid review guys! I've just been a fan of Urban Decay and was honored they'd ask me to be featured! I am a die-hard Urban Decay FAN!! And I don't want or need a penny or dollar to tell anyone that!