Shameeza Mohamed, a 40-year-old domestic violence survivor of Belle West, West Bank Demerara, is struggling to make ends meet and desperately needs a home. The mother who survived years of abuse, including a vicious knife attack over 10 years ago and who is suffering severe health conditions, is desperately needs a home. She is pleading with President Irfaan Ali to help her.
She and her eight-year-old son she got from a different relationship, are currently living in a rented house. The child's father was supporting her to pay the rent but he recently lost his job. Shameeza’s reputed husband had stabbed her in front of two of her three children she had at the time. It was the children’s screams for help when they ran out of the house after witnessing the attack, that caused their father to stop stabbing her and escape. One week later he took his own life. She struggled to take care of the three small children; two girls and a boy. Recently, one of her daughters died of a heart failure and her son got murdered. Devastated, she turned to alcohol and is now suffering a liver disease and had lost a considerable amount of weight and is unable to work.