Classic animated scenes by Don Patterson (1909 - 1998).
Music: "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" by Franz Liszt
Disney scenes identified from drafts provided by Hans Perk.
Clips used:
0:00 - Sleep Happy (Lantz, 1951)
0:29 - Arts and Flowers (Lantz, 1956)
0:47 - The Bear and the Bean (MGM, 1948)
1:21 - Pinocchio (Disney, 1940)
2:00 - The Three Caballeros (Disney, 1944)
2:30 - Dumbo (Disney, 1941)
2:44 - A Mouse in the House (MGM, 1947)
3:15 - Brave Little Tailor (Disney, 1938)
3:21 - Mickey's Trailer (Disney, 1938)
3:34 - Dumbo (Disney, 1941)
3:43 - Mickey's Trailer (Disney, 1938)
3:52 - Fantasia (Disney, 1940)
4:15 - A Fine Feathered Frenzy (Lantz, 1954)
4:49 - Brave Little Tailor (Disney, 1938)
5:10 - Convict Concerto (Lantz, 1954)