📌የዶንኪ ትዩብን አገልግሎት ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ!!!
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የዛሬው የ ይድናል ሾዎ እንግዳችን ደረጄ ይባላል። ገና ሲወለድ ነበር አይኑ እደማያይ ቤተሰቦቹ ያወቁት ተወልዶ ባደገበት ደብረ ማርቆስ ከተማ ለትምህርት እድሜው ሲደርስ ወላጅ አባቱ ወደ ኬስ ትምህርት ቤት ያስገቡት ደረጀም የሚያስተምሩትን መምህር አይናቸው እደማያይ ሲሰማ እሱም መማር እደሚችል ያምንና ከቄስ ትምህርት ጉን የ ዘመናዊ ትምህርቱን መከታተል ጀመረ ደሬ የ 3ዲግሪ ባለቤትም ሲሆን አክሱም ዩኒቨርስቲ ሲገባ መማር እደሚከብደው ቢያቅም ትልቅ ወንድሙ አክሱም ዩኒቨርስቲ የህክምና ተማሪ በመሆኑ እዛው እያገዘው ጥሩ ውጤት ማምጣት ጀመረ የደሬ ሂደት ግን በመሀል አሳዛኝ ነገር ገጠመው ትልቅ ወንድሙ የአይኑ ብርሀን በድንገት በሞት አጣው የደረጀ ህይወት ድጋሚ መፈተን ጀመረ መማር አስጠላው ተስፋቆርጦ ሳለ ህይወት እደገና ጀመረ ይለናል በህይወቱ ትልቁ ህልሙ አይኑ እዲበራለት ነበር ፀሎቱ ደረጀም በዚህም እንቅልፍ አይተኛም ነበር በተደጋጋሚ በተሰራለት ቀዶ ጥገና ቶሎ ለውጥ ባይመጣም ተሰፋ ሳይቆርጥ ፀበል ለመጠመቅ በሄደበት ጊዜ እምነቱን ሲቀባ ግና ተአምር ሆነለት በህይወቱ ተፈትኖ የዳነው የደረጀ ታሪክ ምን ላይ ያቆም ይሆን ሁላችንም ይህንን ድን የ እግዚአብሔር ተዓምር አብረን እንመልከት መልካም ቆይታ!
Join us on today's episode of the Yidnal Show as we delve into the inspiring story of Dereje, a remarkable individual who has faced numerous challenges throughout his life. Born with a blind eye in Debre Markos, Dereje's journey is one of resilience and hope.
Despite his visual impairment, Dereje's parents enrolled him in a private school, where he discovered his passion for learning. His determination led him to pursue modern education, achieving a 3rd degree.
Upon entering Axum University, Dereje faced significant difficulties. With the support of his older brother, a medical student, he began to excel academically. However, tragedy struck when his brother suddenly lost his eyesight, leaving Dereje feeling discouraged and questioning his path.
Throughout his struggles, Dereje held onto a profound dream: to have his eyesight restored. He underwent multiple surgeries, but progress was slow, leading to a crisis of faith.
Just when hope seemed lost, a miraculous event occurred during his baptism. This pivotal moment reignited his faith and transformed his life.
Join us as we explore Dereje's incredible journey of faith, perseverance, and the miracles that can happen when we least expect them. Don't miss this uplifting episode!
**Have a good time watching!**
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