I’m currently tapering off of antidepressant medication after 16 years (minus 18 months I was off them in 2015/16) and I thought I’d share the withdrawal symptoms I’m experiencing and how I’ve managed to reduce my Citalopram dose from 20mg down to 0 mgs.
I googled so many times looking for people who have successfully come off of antidepressants and how they did it, so why not share my personal experience with you all.
I like talking openly about my battles as it helps others that aren’t open and I thought, why am I only doing this to people around me, so I’m branching out!
If this video is welcomed then I will post more videos about my experience with mental health, so let me know with a comment or liking the video and don’t forgot to subscribe.
Thank you for stopping by.
Look after yourself
#antidepressants #brainzap #antidepressantwithdrawal #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthselfcare