Today we take you on our first trail of our trip to Sand Hollow State Park for Trail Hero 2024 Double Sammy in our Suzuki Samurai buggy! Double Sammy is a trail rated 7 and there's also tons of fun bonus lines! Including the iconic "Chute" which was epic to see the buggy just walk up! This was just the first of many dope trails that we hit on our trip so please make sure your #subscribe to the channel so you'll be notified when our next video drops! We visit the #topoftheworld and go on a dope night run on a trail called chutes and ladders which is rated 11 & we even get ourselves in a bonus buggy trail that hooks up with joint effort so your definitely not going to want to miss these next few!
Thanks for watching!
Bill & Denise :)
0:00-0:11 Intro
0:12-21:16 Double Sammy Trail
21:17-22:47 The Chute
22:48-24:17 Outro
#doublesammy #sandhollow #trailhero #chute #statepark #utah #travel