Hey all, tonight we set up a game night with a couple friends to play the new version of TD that released recently. This was pretty fun, I won't even bother editing this one either since it's over an hour long and.. who'd both editing an hour long video of TD anyway lol? But since Double Trouble and Teams are only Private Server game modes, we didn't join a public lobby. We did at first, but we weren't all able to join so we moved to Private. Hope you guys enjoyed! I know I said I'd upload this like.. idk yesterday? But better late than never lmao- Here's the link to the game if you want to give it a shot!: https://www.roblox.com/games/14722542056/Sonic-EXE-The-Disaster-1-3 Friends in the video: @Stars @eclipse5657 @iisonny -NotCJ_RBLX -TheDummyIsReal -MOONRIS4