A compilation of the Dr Eggman boss fights in mainline 3D Sonic games
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Sonic Adventure
0:00 Egg Hornet
1:14 Egg Walker
3:37 Egg Viper
Sonic Adventure 2
8:25 Dr. Eggman (1)
8:53 Dr. Eggman (2)
Sonic Heroes
9:35 Egg Hawk
10:40 Egg Albatross
12:35 Egg Emperor
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
14:01 Egg-Genesis
16:13 Egg-Wyvern
Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
22:00 Egg Beetle
24:35 Egg Devil Ray
28:09 Egg Lancer
31:31 Egg Dragoon
Sonic Colours
36:22 Nega-wisp Armour
Sonic Generations
40:46 Death Egg Robot
43:06 Egg Dragoon
47:34 Time Eater
Sonic Lost World
52:59 Eggrobo
Sonic Forces
55:27 Egg Dragoon
57:31 Death Egg Robot