Talk Title: A novel approach to brain
and mind - Search for their
"common currency"
Abstract: Neuroscience and Cognitive sciences made enormous progress over the last 20-30 years in understanding the brain. However, despite all insights, the relation of neuronal and mental activity, i.e., brain-mind relation, remains yet mysterious. Following recent empirical data on consciousness, self, and psychiatric disorders, I propose a novel approach to neuro-mental relationship. Rather than emphasizing the specialness of the neural correlates of mental features, I search for what all neuronal and mental states share with each other. Specifically, I propose that temporo-spatial dynamics is shared by both neuronal and mental activity, brain and mind, - this is described as “common currency”. Supporting the “common currency” approach, I demonstrate various empirical data on self, consciousness, and psychiatric disorders. Additionally, I sketch some theoretical-philosophical implications like the shift from the mind-body to the world-brain problem.