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Dr. Gilbert Hosts: The Many Forms of Carbidopa/Levodopa

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2:31 Dr. Vaou’s presentation 23:31 What is ON and OFF time? 26:32 With all these options, how do you decide what to prescribe for a particular patient? 29:02 Dietary protein can interfere with absorption of Carbidopa levodopa. Is there a difference in the protein effect with the various carbidopa/levodopa options? 32:51 If somebody is nauseous from carbidopa/levodopa, what can be done to help them tolerate the medication? 36:06 For some people, carbidopa/levodopa does not relieve tremor. What can be done to address that? 37:31 If a person has mild symptoms, when should carbidopa/levodopa be started? 39:29 I have muscle cramps. Is this a side effect of carbidopa/levodopa? What is the best way to treat cramps? 41:48 What is your opinion on Mucuna? 43:07 Does carbidopa/levodopa treat balance and difficulty walking? 45:08 Does carbidopa/levodopa treat speech difficulties? 46:45 How do people decide whether to take carbidopa/levodopa since it can cause dyskinesias? 49:37 With the two new options of carbidopa/levodopa delivery, should I bring up a potential change in medication with my neurologist? 52:15 If carbidopa/levodopa doesn’t seem to be effective, should I try stopping it? 54:02 When should I consider decreasing my medication? Carbidopa/levodopa is the mainstay of treatment for the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and can be very effective in controlling the stiffness and slowness that are so characteristic of PD. But there are many formulations of this medication available, including two new options that were recently approved by the FDA, which can make the choices very confusing. During this broadcast, Dr. Eleni Okeanis Vaou discussed: - The formulations of carbidopa/levodopa available - How doctors decide which formulation is best for you - When you should ask your doctor for a change in medication - What distinguishes the newest type of extended release capsules of carbidopa/levodopa from older versions - What subcutaneous levodopa is, and when it is a good choice for you - And much more! Dr. Vaou also answered questions live during the program – so watch today! Let's Stay Connected 1) SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel to stay informed about other APDA videos. 2) Turn On YouTube Notifications to get alerts whenever we go live or upload new content. 3) Connect with APDA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn at @APDAparkinsons.
