Dr. Mehret Debebe Gebretsadik speaking at YEP Eight Year Anniversary Gala on November 10, 2018 at US Patent and Trademark Office. The theme for his speech was "Building Tomorrow Through Leadership.".
Dr. Mehret Debebe Gebretsadik is a board certified psychiatrist and fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He currently resides and works as a director of MindSet Consult which works on Societal Change in the areas of Personal Development and Mindset Change. He practices psychiatry on a part time basis at the MindSet Clinic.
His two novels in Amharic – ‘Yete qole febet qulf’’ የተቆለፈበት ቁልፍ and ‘Lelasew’ are very popular and have been narrated via national radio. He is a frequent guest on multiple media outlets including his discussion on mindset change for over three years on Sheger Cafe with Meaza Birru. He also trains senior corporate and government leaders and gives weekly motivational public lecture at the National Theater.
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