Dr. Phil answers your questions! Launching his network, Merit Street Media, after 21 seasons with CBS, aims to provide content that reflects core values and adheres to family-friendly programming. The network offers a range of news, lifestyle, and true crime shows featuring well-known personalities like Steve Harvey, Nancy Grace, Kris Gutierrez, Lyndsay Keith, Loni Coombs and more! .Dr. Phil's new book, "We've Got Issues," serves as a blueprint for the network's focus, addressing current social and cultural concerns in America with empirical data and solutions for unity. Audiences are invited to visit the state-of-the-art studio in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex to experience live tapings. For more information: https://meritstreetmedia.com
Experience a side of Dr. Phil McGraw you may have been missing as he provides critical information on some of the most important issues we face today. McGraw delves into the minds of the most exciting and accomplished people. From celebrities to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, to the world’s leading experts, every guest and topic is provocative, informative, and relevant.
Dr. Phil McGraw, one of the most well-known and trusted mental health professionals in the world, is the host of daytime TV’s top-rated program, Dr. Phil. This trailblazing and award-winning platform continues to provide the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. Dr. McGraw’s unique ability to take complicated and technical information and make it accessible and understandable to the general public has distinguished him both among viewers and within his profession.
#drphil #meritstreetmedia #podcast
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