Dr. Scott Midson takes us on a tour of posthumanist theory and practice, offering probing suggestions for theological engagement in this important area of research.
Posthumanism is a rich, complex, and sometimes confusing set of theories, technologies, and practices, and Dr. Midson breaks down the various strands of the posthumanist movement with clarity and critical theological awareness.
Watch the video not so much for definitive answers as for these intelligent questions: Do we know what it means to be human and how our technologies either contribute to or hinder our human growth? Will we ever “arrive” at a point of perfect technical and humanistic relationship? How do the theological notions of “the image of God” or creatureliness contribute to the posthumanist discussions?
These questions and more are raised through summary and engagement of key posthumanist texts, theories, and various fascinating and (perhaps) troubling examples of how technology and humanity are deeply and perhaps irrevocably intertwined.
Dr Midson is Lecturer in Liberal Arts in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at the University of Manchester.