Are you struggling with blood sugar issues, pre-diabetes, or insulin resistance? In this video, discover how taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Learn the science behind apple cider vinegar’s anti-glycemic effects, how it can reduce insulin spikes, and support weight loss. If you’re not on keto or intermittent fasting, this simple remedy can still work wonders.
There are so many people with blood sugar issues. If you’re not already, you should consider adding apple cider vinegar (ACV) into your diet.
There are things that can improve your blood sugar levels other than keto and fasting, and apple cider vinegar is one of them.
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar gives a very potent anti-glycemic effect, even if you’re not doing keto. It can help buffer the food you eat to bring it lower on the glycemic index. This can help stabilize your blood sugar and insulin.
Any time you lower your glucose, you’re going to reduce insulin. Reducing insulin will help you:
• Decrease fat on your liver
• Lose weight
• Decrease hunger
• Decrease cravings
If your blood sugar is high in the morning even though you didn’t consume a lot of carbs the day before, this is known as the dawn phenomenon. If you experience this issue, try taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into eight to twelve ounces of water before bed.
You can also try taking apple cider vinegar before your meal.
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