Hello everyone dear. I would like to proudly present you a film in which I put a lot of work in. It presents the life story of the most epic character of "Dragon Ball Super", Gray Jiren. As he is a tragic figure, I tried to show a reason in film for which why Jiren has risen above all Gods to be able to protect everything and everyone. I hope you enjoy and like it. I will try to add every week one new film like this, so if you dont mind please subscribe me and give me a like, greetings from Di4blon
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Witam wszystkich kochani z dumą chciałbym zaprezentować wam film w który włożyłem naprawdę dużo pracy. Przedstawia on historię życia najbardziej epickiej postaci "Dragon Ball Super", Szarego Jirena. Jako, że jest on postacią tragiczną, starałem się ukazać w filmię powód dla, którego Jiren wzniósł się ponad wszystkich Bogów, by móc chronić wszystko i wszystkich. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba. Spróbuję dodawać co tydzień jeden nowy film, więc jeśli nie macie nic przeciwko, zasubskrybujcie i pozostawcie lajka. Dziękuję i pozdrawiam Di4blon
Dragon Ball Super - Jiren「AMV」- Legends Never Die
► Anime: "Dragon Ball Super"
► Song: "Legends Never Die"
► Featured artist: Against The Current
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Legends Never Die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends Never Die they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Relentless you survive
They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near
It's deep in their bones they’ll run into smoke when the fire is fierce
'Oh pick yourself up, ‘cause
Legends Never Die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends Never Die they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends Never Die
They're written down in eternity
But you'll never see the price it costs, the scars collected all their lives
When everything’s lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
'Oh pick yourself up, ‘cause
Legends Never Die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends Never Die they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends Never Die