Took an afternoon to just fish with my son and document some bass fishing. We just love getting on the lake together and casting flies for bass, crappie, bluegill, and anything else that pops up. It builds great casting prowess working the reeds.
0:00 - Intro
1:56 - Knot Issues... Albright Knot to the Rescue!
3:12 - Gorilla Dragon
3:29 - Start Fishing
4:14 - Small Bass.. Big Frog
6:25 - Skip Casting the Gorilla Dragon
13:05 - Big Bass on Rich's Ultimate Bass Worm!
15:32 - Dinker's on the Dragon Fly
17:42 - Crappie on the Dragon Fly
18:20 - LUNKER on a Dragon Fly Dry Fly
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