Halo guys!
Aku benar-benar berterima kasih atas dukungan kalian untuk channel ini. Setiap like, komentar, dan subscribe sangat berarti dan bikin aku semakin semangat untuk terus berkarya.
Di video kali ini, aku kembali dengan gambar terbaru. Semoga bisa menginspirasi kalian! Jangan ragu untuk tinggalkan komentar atau kasih saran tentang gambar apa yang ingin kalian lihat di video selanjutnya.
Sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak, dan sampai jumpa di video berikutnya! 🎨
Hello guys!
I truly appreciate your support for this channel. Every like, comment, and subscription means a lot and keeps me motivated to keep creating.
In this video, I’m back with a new drawing. Hope it can inspire you! Feel free to leave a comment or suggest what you’d like to see in the next video.
Once again, thank you so much, and see you in the next video! 🎨
full review hightune acrylic markers : https://youtu.be/LyK_A1yMWHc?si=a-PRJ9ksCF6_1il4
🎥 Recording & Editing Info 🎨 :
• Recorded with: iPhone 6s 📱
• Edited with: Adobe Premiere 🎬
art supplies 🛒🛒 :
music :
shushubobo- coffee time : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PvYu-1iEbY
shushubobo- heart shield : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMGSx4iJ200
shushubobo- coffe time 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99cbvKoOyy0
#drawwithme #acrylicmarker #drawingtutorial #acrylicmarkers #arrtxacrylicmarkers #arrtx #arrtxart #languo #languoacrylicmarkers #acrylicmarkerdrawingtutorial #acrylicmarkerdrawing #aestheticdrawing #artvlog #fooddrawing #foodillustration #artsupplies #drawing #satisfying #relaxing #drawingreference #howtodrawusingacrylicmarkers #drawingtutorial #hightune #higntuneacrylicmarkers #spidolakrilik