என் அம்மாவே பொண்ணு Dress போட்டு ஆச காட்டுனாங்க..! ஆனா இப்போ..? | En Adayalam | EP.4 | IBC Tamil
#ibctamil #EnAdayalam #Transgender #Transwomen #Transmodel #Pride #Transgenderstory #lgbtq
In this episode of En Adayalam you can see trans women explaining about how they feel in this present society and people around them . Also yet a marriage for a LGBTQ community person is a big talk all around India and become a very big news , in which this community people get very offended and voice out as "why dont we get married with trust ?" . Yet many NGO and SOCIAL ACTIVISTS have been there in this generation many has still not been changed . You can clearly see the emotions of them in this video . '
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