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Discover the secrets of sea onion (Drimia maritima)! 🌿 In this video, you will learn:
🌊 Pharmacological properties of sea onion and its effect on the body
❤️ How sea onion affects the heart (cardiotonic effect)
💧 Diuretic effect of sea onion (glycoside scyllipicrin)
💊 Use of the white variety of sea onion in European medicine
🐀 Red variety: use to control rodents
🌱 Indian sea onion (Drimia indica): use in Ayurveda Find out more about the beneficial properties of this amazing plant! 💡
Hashtags: #sea onion #drimiamaritima #medicinalherbs #cardiotonic #diuretic #herbaltherapy #ayurveda #indianmedicine #traditionalmedicine #health #herbsforhealth #hearttreatment #herbaltreatment #plants #medicine #glycosides