Exploring the Mysteries of Lake Thalmiir (Purewaters) in the Underdark
Join me as I dive into the fascinating depths of Lake Thalmiir, a unique and dangerous landmark in the Underdark. We will discover insights into the lake's geology, its resident creatures, and its historical significance. Discover the lore behind the drow city of Sschindylryn, the terrifying creatures that lurk in the lake's waters, and the magical treasures hidden within.
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🦜 Today's Realmspeak: How to pronounce "YLRAPHON"
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This is the perfect lore supplement for your Forgotten Realms campaign, whether you use DnD (D&D, 5e, Dungeons & Dragons) or any other tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) system.
00:00 Opening
00:22 Introduction to Purewaters
01:03 Support My Work
01:19 Geography and Unique Features of Purewaters
04:11 Historical Significance and Legends
04:55 Ecology and Inhabitants of Lake Thalmiir
07:20 Treasures and Dangers of the Lake
08:40 The Lich Mralrynx Arzhund
11:40 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
12:06 Realmspeak: Ylraphon
12:41 Bloopers
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