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Dun VS Top 1% Augran | Dun BIGGEST Strength is Crowd Control | Honor of Kings Dun Build & Guide

ADA Gaming HOK 1,703 4 weeks ago
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13.4% More to 1000 Subscribers! Thank you for your continous support ❤️ Enemy select Augran to challenge my Dun in this match. I had some trouble earlier in the game as Dun mobility is not as good and Augran can easily kite Dun to burn his HP. Watch the video to see how I manage early game limitations to climb back into the game and help my team. Please like and Subscribe for More HOK Clash Lane Heroes updates. Feel free to comment to share your thoughts. I will definitely reply to you! Dun is super strong during early game and it is super hard to win him in 1v1 fight. Careful of getting gank though as high burst dmg heroes can still KO Dun when his passive in CD. His effectiveness is in team fights where his CC skills can really affect the outcome. Dun Clash Lane EP 13 Game Stats: Match Type: Rank Score Rating: 13.1 63K damage done and 157K damage taken KDA 7/0/9 Clash Lane Enemy Hero: Augran About HOK Hero Dun: High sustain due to HP regen from passive skill and Skill 2 (Shield) Very strong in 1v1 fights in the first 10 minutes of the game Very good crowd control skills (Skill 1 and Ulti). Dun Builds: Equipment Build Sequence: Nettle Gauntlet Boots of Fortitude (Can use Boots of Resistance if need more Magic Resistance) Energy Core Frostscar's Embrace Blazing Cape Eye of Phoenix Overlord's Platemail Ominous Premonition Arcana: Hunt, Void and Fate #honorofkings #hok #honorofkingsdun #hokdun #hokdunbuild #hokgameplay #honorofkingsclashlane #hokglobal #hokgameplay #hokguide #hokindonesia #honorofkingsindonesia #honorofkingsphilippines #honorofkingsbrasil #hokarabia #honorofkingsbuild #honorofkingsgameplay #王者荣耀国际服 #honorofkingsturkiye #아너오브킹즈 #王者荣耀 #hokstudio
