In this video, I have demonstrated how to perform the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) in SPSS, and gave detailed interpretations of the result outputs including the sequence of how to use the Compact Letter Display to interpret the DMRT results.
The content of this video is detailed and comprehensive, and the interpretations have been simplified to the grassroots and you are hereby advised to watch this video to the end.
The application of the compact letter Display is technical and usually confusing. But, in this video, I have demonstrated how you can be able to do it easily and present your results in a table with the Compact Letter Display.
After you have seen this video, you will be able to perform the analysis with your own dataset and be able to make necessary interpretation and reach conclusion based on your objective(s).
In my usual way, I have provided the necessary synopsis, which introduced you to the topic and terms associated with it, especially for those who are new to this kind of analysis. So, it is important that you patiently see the introduction/synopsis before delving into the analysis proper.
Below is the video timeline provided to enable you move faster based on your area of interest:
0:00 – 5:42 Synopsis/Introduction
5:43 – 8:46 Demonstration in SPSS
8:47 – 28:07 Interpretations
28:08 – 29:16 Remarks
If you wish to contact me directly for business purposes, such as Private SPSS Tutorial, or Data Analysis, please use this address to reach me: [email protected]
The two videos referred are:
1. Introduction to SPSS Software for Beginners Part-1:
2. Analysis of Variance in SPSS (Effect size and Interpretations):
The following are videos in my channel. Please, click on the links to see the video of your choice.
Binary Logistic Regression Analysis in SPSS:
Convert String to Numeric in Excel Spreadsheet before loading into SPSS:
Chi-Squared Statistical Test of independence in SPSS:
Convert String to Numeric Variable in SPSS (Without Losing Data):
Test of Multicollinearity of Data in SPSS:
Regression Analysis in SPSS Part-2:
Regression Analysis in SPSS Part-1:
Introduction to SPSS Software for Beginners Part-2:
Merge Two Data Files in SPSS (Part-2):
Merge Two Data Files in SPSS (Part-1):
Introduction to SPSS Software for Beginners (Part-3):
Test of Normality of Data in SPSS:
Identify Outliers using Tukey's Hinges Approach in SPSS:
Identifying Outliers in Dataset using Stem-and-leaf Plot and Boxplots in SPSS:
Identify Outliers using Scattered Plots in SPSS:
How to Perform and Interpret One Sample T-Test in SPSS:
Paired Sample T-Test in SPSS and Interpretations:
How to Perform Descriptive Statistics in SPSS:
How to Perform Pearson’s Correlation Analysis:
How to Calculate Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient by Hand, Interpret and Report Results in APA style:
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