Iconic Dungeons and Dragons monster, the unique and weird Eye Tyrant is an aberration spawned in strange dimensions. With a barrage of magical eye beams, wicked cunning and formidable defenses, these beasts are some of the toughest foes a bunch of adventurers will ever face.
1:23 The Far Realms
2:58 Beholders in Eberron
4:00 Beholders in Spelljammer
5:40 Beholders in Forgotten Realms
6:33 Biology of the Beholder
16:04 Feeding on Magic
17:58 The Beholder Brain
20:38 The Beholder Lair
23:14 Beholder Reproduction
24:53 Beholders in Combat
28:20 Beholder Lifespan
28:36 Beholder diet and diseases
29:30 History and mythology of Beholders
30:10 Beholder Variants (Spawn and Kin)