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Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Rothé

AJ Pickett 35,800 lượt xem 4 years ago
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An ancient breed of cattle in Faerûn's northern areas, highly important to humans living in the northern lands around the Moonsea and to the drow of the Underdark below. Dwarves also tend their own herds of these hardy and remarkable animals.

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aj pickett, the mighty gluestick, dungeons and dragons, roleplaying, tabletop, 5E, 5th edition, faerun, toril, forgotten realms, Eberron, pen and paper, Dungeons and dragons lore, monsters, magic, magic items, monster ecology, greyhawk, mystara, krynn, golarion, spelljammer, planescape, homebrew, live stream, Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast, WotC, Ravnica, Ravenloft, Theros, Strixhaven, Fizban, Mordenkainen, Drizzt, cosmology, planescape, spelljammer, lore, stories, outer planes, elemental, artifact, toril, faerun, fantasy animal, beast, folklore, zakhara, kara tur, lands of fate, southern faerun, 5th edition, 5e24, D&D2024, fiend folio, faerzress, underdark, sea of fallen stars, vilhon reach, haeshkarr, waterdeep, luskan, baldur's gate, moonshae, cormyr, rashemen, border kingdoms, MtG, Dominaria, goblinoid, goblin, snow goblin, pathfinder, kobold press, free league, mork borg, shadowdark, BECMI, AD&D, rothe, deep cow, underdark cattle
