Close your eyes
And watch the darkness.
It's such a night.
One night in Mecca
Fatigue in the air
Weirdness in water
A black silence
Even sleep is asleep.
In the sacred part of the Kaaba
There is someone lying down
Year of sadness
No Ebu Talib
Year of sadness
Vefaq wife
Haticetül does not have cubes.
In the sacred part of the Kaaba
There is someone lying down
Heart seeking consolation
Heart striking with sadness
It's the heart.
And footsteps
The stars are glowing.
These footsteps are from the sky
It gives way to the stars.
There are semadan descendants.
Allah gave permission
Where the universe came
Because the lying part of the Kaaba
It is Sultan-ı levlâk.
Habîb-i zîşândir o
It is Nur-u Huda.
Spooky sun of mercy horizon
He is the only flower of the universe.
He was allowed to be allah
Where the world came
However, orders are only given to Gabriel
And only Gabriel goes down
Get up or rasulallah
The angels wait for you
Longing to face stoned in Taif
Longing to the word received
I expect you angels.
Is there no loyalty on earth?
Looking for someone to comfort you.
Do you like a flying fly?
Did they take your invitation?
Do not get upset and hungry
The travelers are waiting for you
Tonight will be the name of the universe,
Your hungry eyes will bleed in the eyes of the worlds.
Burak will fly for you.
Open your eyes or habiballah
This is the day of the night for the allah.
O seven fold open doors,
And let the messengers wait in wait
His immediate successor is Adam;
The name of the gate of heaven
You want to forgive the name
Salih son is coming.
Tell Jesus:
In secluded corners
As you take refuge in Allah with your Apostles,
You smell like a step away
And the good news for mankind
Ahmet is coming.
Tell Yusuf, Idris, Aaron
Say to Moses:
If you admire your qualifications
What you want to be
Salih sister is coming.
Greet the Prophet Abraham:
Praying prayer
The son you want to come in comes
Open the doors seven times the sky
This comes from Muhammad Mustafa
Gabriel leads
And the sultan's sultan
This is a walk.
What kind of expression is this?
Pearl thy sweat on blessed foreheads
From beginning to end there is a decree
Every step of the way.
My Sultan,
That night when heaven was shown
Have you imagined your ummah in heaven?
While the flames of hell greet you,
Did you see your tears, Gabriel?
Is it my umem?
You will not forget us in this
Tahiyyat's news has given us
You are us nowhere
You never forgot
I hope that we will not forget you.
May Allah never let you forget.
As the word of a sultan
If we enter our sins for hell
And if Allah is the One, open our horizon
We will call it talaal girdle.
Miraç night
Walked rasulullah
Cebrail ahead
One night walk
Walking ... They are rising.
They rose as they got higher.
Gabriel stopped suddenly,
Ya rasullah, come here with me.
Our master asked why
This is sidre-i münteha
Take one more step, burn, roast.
Allah is a random, sordid:
How is it going to sidre-i münteha?
Cibril replied:
With love!
Go with love or rasulallah
Go with love or habiballah
Go with love or nebiyyallah
The walk is a sultana road road!
Seal you in the valley of love.
It is the state of speech.
You're the name of the conversation.
The taste of beings sensin
Walk and say hello
Your old man
You are so orphaned without you
Forwarding greetings
Ahir's Aunt of Time
Pass the Superior to the Superior
When you return,
Divine gifts
For us the miraculous
Five times,
The last two verses of Baccarat
And with the good news that the unbeliever can forgive
On the way back,
We are from time to time
Abu Bakr is looking at you
"It is true if he says"
It is true that the Prophet said.
And the temperature of a verse surrounds
Kainatin's heart:
Glorified by all kinds of deficiencies
Taking the mosque from the haram at night,
To show him some verses
What we blessed
He took the Masjid al-Aqsa.
Because hearing and knowing.
Now open your eyes
Prepare for the mIRAC