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scottbrothersduo 36,893 8 months ago
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This Saturday 29th June 7pm (UK time) we invite you to watch the World Online Premiere of Jonathan's performance of his new arrangement of the complete Dvorak "New World Symphony" (Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 "From the New World") on the incredible Pipe Organs of Billerbeck Dom (Ludger's Cathedral), Germany. An EPIC piece of music needs an EPIC pipe organ, and this organ is amazing - it has so many wonderful features, from amazing solo voices, huge Trumpets & Tubas, and a full Carillon which is situated in the 100 metre tall bell tower (playable from the organ!!!). This is an online pipe organ event which we can't wait to share with you! We hope you enjoy it, Jonathan & Tom The Score of Jonathan's arrangement featured in this concert is available here: ------------------------- THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! Thank you all for watching our videos and sharing our musical journey. Thank you also for all of your wonderful comments, likes and subscriptions. We look forward to sharing more wonderful places and instruments with you very soon. We provide all of our online video content for you to watch for free and fund our projects ourselves. While we do not expect or ask for anything, should you wish to contribute to support our future projects, you can do so here: Any amount will be gratefully received and put to good use in supporting our future projects. Thank you for your support. Jonathan & Tom For more information about Scott Brothers Duo please visit: --------------------------- Programme Antonín Dvořák Arr. Jonathan Scott Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 "From the New World" "NEW WORLD SYMPHONY" (1893) 00:00 I. Adagio – Allegro molto 12:51 II. Largo 25:18 III. Scherzo: Molto vivace 33:28 IV. Finale: Allegro con fuoco The Organ of Billerbeck Dom, Billerbeck, Germany MAIN ORGAN - FLEITER 2011/14 Hauptwerk HW 01 Grand Bourdon 32' 02 Prinzipal 16' C-f0 Tr. 57 Princ. 16' 03 Violone 16' Ex. 07 Viola d. G. 04 Principal major 8' 05 Praestant 8' 06 Flûte harmonique 8' 07 Viola da Gamba 8' 08 Gedackt 8’ 09 Octave major 4' 10 Octave minor 4' 11 Flûte conique 4' 12 Quinte 2 2/3' 13 Octave 2' 14 Cornet 5f. 8' 15 Mixtur major 5f. 2' 16 Mixtur minor 3f. 1' 17 Bombarde 16' 18 Trompete 8' Tremulant Rückpositiv (expr.) 19 Principal 8' im Prospekt 20 Rohrflöte 8' 21 Salicional 8' 22 Unda maris 8' ab c0 23 Octave 4' 24 Holzflöte 4' 25 Waldflöte 2' 26 Quinte 1 1/3' 27 Sesquialtera 2f. 2 2/3' 28 Mixtur 4f. 1 1/3' 29 Trompete 8' 30 Cromorne 8' Tremulant Schwellwerk (expr.) 31 Rohrbordun 16' 32 Geigenprincipal 8' 33 Doppelflöte 8' 34 Viola 8' 35 Vox coelestis 8' ab c0 36 Bourdon 8' 37 Prinzipal 4' 38 Flûte octaviante 4' 39 Fugara 4' 40 Nazard harm. 2 2/3' 41 Octavin 2' 42 Tierce 1 3/5' 43 Fourniture 5f. 2 2/3' 44 Basson 16' 45 Trompette harm. 8' 46 Hautbois 8' 47 Voix humaine 8' 48 Clairon 4' Tremulant Chamadenwerk 49 Flûte harmonique 8' Tr. 06 Fl. harm. 8' 50 Cornet 5f. 8' Tr. 14 Cornet 5f. 51 Trompeta magna 16' 52 Trompeta real 8' 53 Trompeta clarin 4' 54 Vox Ludgeri 8' Klarinette expr. (SW) Manualkoppeln IV/III, IV/II, IV/I, III/II, III/I,I/II, Sub III/III, Super III/III, Sub III/II, Super III/II, Sub III/I, Super III/I, SW Aequallage ab. Pedalkoppeln IV/P, III/P, II/P, I/P, Super I, II/P, Super II/P, Super I/P, c.f. 2' III/P, II/P, I/P. Pedalwerk 55 Grande Flûte 32' Ex. 59 Flûte 16' 56 Bourdon 32' Tr. 01 G. Bourd. 32' 57 Principalbass 16' 58 Contrabass 16' Tr. 03 Violone 16' 59 Flûte 16' 60 Soubasse 16' Tr. 01 G. Bourd. 32' 61 Octavbass 8' 62 Flûte 8' Ex. 59 Flûte 16' 63 Bourdon 8' Tr. 01 G. Bourd. 32' 64 Cello 8' Tr. 07 Viola d. G. 8' 65 Choralbass 4' Ex. 61 Octavbass 8' 66 Viola tenore 4' Tr. 07 Viola d. G. 8' 67 Contrebombarde 32' Ex. 68 Posaune 16' 68 Posaune 16' 69 Fagott 16' 70 Trompetenbass 8' 71 Clairon 4' Tuba 72 Tuba 16' Ex. 73 Tuba 8' 73 Tuba 8' 74 Tuba 4' Ex. 73 Tuba 8' Röhrenglocken in Sw. 75 Carillon g0-g2 Choir organ (2016) built by Orgelbau Waltershausen GmbH (Thuringia) 01 Bordun 16' Ex. 03 Gedackt 8' 02 Principal 8' C-H im Prospekt 03 Gedackt 8' 04 Viola 8' 05 Vox angelica 8' ab c0 06 Octave 4' Ex. 02 Principal 8' 07 Gedackt 4' Ex. 03 Gedackt 8' 08 Violine 4' Ex. 04 Viola 8' 09 Superoctave 2' Ex. 02 Principal 8' 10 Engl. Horn 8' Celesta c0-c2 et ultra repet. Tremulant Two effect registers. Mysterium Ludgeri (Secret of Ludgerus) Fons Salutis (Source of Salvation) Tower carillon 2020 Royal Bell Foundry Eijsbouts (Asten, NL)
