Which language produces the fast apps? How do C# and Java Compare? How are bytecodes and IL different?
Dave takes you on a tour of C# and Java and then drag races them by running them through their paces with a prime number generation benchmark in Episode 03 of the epic Computer Language Drag Racing Series episode 03. This series tests more than 60 languages by having the same goal in each language - solve all the primes under one million as many times per second as possible.
Languages tested in the series include ARM ASM, X86 ASM, Ada, BASIC, Bash, C, C++, C#, D, Dart, Delphi, F#, Fortran, Go, Haskel, Java, Julia, Lisp, Lua, Node, Nim, OCaml, Octave, PHP, Pascal, Perl, Powershell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, SQL, Swift, TypeScript, V, Zig, and more are being added!
Each round, languages are tested in groups, such as C vs C++ vs Rust, Python vs BASIC, Ada vs Pascal vs Delphi, and so on.
Github Code: https://github.com/PlummersSoftwareLLC/Primes
The Shirt (static blue): https://amzn.to/2VnFuzF
Episode List:
E00: https://youtu.be/D3h62rgewZM
E01: https://youtu.be/tQtFdsEcK_s