京葉線・外房線のE233系5000番台 通勤快速 成東・勝浦行き(通称:なるかつ)の勝浦行きの全区間車内撮影です。youtubeエディタでモザイクをかけましたがうまくいっていない部分が多く申し訳ございません…(数年後動画上げなおすかもです)
【Keiyō Line】JR Keiyō Line E233-5000 series Commuter Rapid Service boarding (Japan)
The Keiyō Line (京葉線) is a Japanese railway connecting Tokyo Station and Soga Station (Chiba) via Tokyo Disney Resort (Maihama Station) and the Makuhari Messe exhibition center (Kaihimmakuhari Station). Some of the trains go directly to the Sotobō Line, which is the main commuter line in Chiba Prefecture. The Keiyō Line's commuter rapid train is one of the fastest free trains in Japan, running 35 km (22 mile) without stopping (Shin-Kiba Station → Soga Station). This commuter rapid train will uncoupled for 6-cars and 4-cars at Honda Station (Chiba prefecture) and will go for two different directions (Narutō Station on Togane Line and Katsuura Station on Sotobō Line). It is a video when I got on the rear 6 cars of the commutter rapid service train and went to Katsuura station.
(Tokyo Station → Katsuura Station : 110km (68mile))
0:00 発車標
2:10 東京駅入線・側面LED・車内LCD
6:36 東京(JE-01)~八丁堀(JE-02)
8:58 八丁堀(JE-02)~新木場(JE-05)
14:57 新木場(JE-05)~蘇我
40:22 蘇我
41:51 蘇我~鎌取
46:54 鎌取~誉田
51:30 誉田
54:27 誉田(前4両成東行き発車)
58:32 誉田~土気
1:03:48 土気~大網
1:07:46 大網~茂原
1:17:09 茂原~上総一ノ宮
1:24:58 上総一ノ宮
1:26:22 上総一ノ宮~東浪見
1:30:21 東浪見~太東
1:34:16 太東~長者町
1:37:20 長者町~三門
1:39:46 三門~大原
1:43:54 大原~浪花
1:48:25 浪花~御宿
1:53:25 御宿~勝浦
1:59:32 勝浦