In today's video Eric takes a look at virtual worlds / MMOs from the early 2000s that you may have forgotten about. From club penguin to webkinz to mocha monsters to fantage... there is a good chance your favorite world is on this list!
Videos that inspired this one / videos that go further into depth on specific virtual worlds that I covered:
B Roll used for this video:
TIMESTAMPS (Worlds are in Alphabetical Order... for the most part)
Intro: 0:00 - 0:47
Action Allstars: 0:47 - 1:12
Animal Jam: 1:13 - 1:32 1:33 - 2:03
BeanieBabies 2.0: 2:04 - 2:33
Big Bible Town: 2:34 - 2:56
Bin Weevils: 2:57 - 3:43
Bearville: 3:44 - 4:27
Camp Pete: 4:28 - 4:55
Cartoon Network Mini Match: 4:56 - 5:15
Chimpoo and Chobots: 5:16 - 5:47
Club Penguin: 5:48 - 6:34
Club Time Machine: 6:35 - 6:53
Club Waddles and Club BK: 6:54 - 7:16
Clube Cheetos: 7:17 - 7:32
Crash & Bandicoot: 7:33 - 7:52
DinoKids: 7:53 - 8:03
DinoSawUs: 8:04 - 8:14
Dizzywood: 8:15 - 8:48
DoctorWho: 8:49 - 9:06
EcoBuddies: 9:07 - 9:17
Ekidna World: 9:18 - 9:41
Ekoloko: 9:42 - 10:07
Fantage: 10:08 - 10:45
Franktown Rocks: 10:46 - 10:58 10:59 - 11:11
Gaia Online: 11:12 - 11:31
Garden Party World: 11:32 - 11:50
GirlSense: 11:51 - 12:05
Google Lively: 12:06 - 12:40
Groovy Girls: 12:41 - 13:02
Habbo Hotel: 13:03 - 13:20
Happy Studio: 13:21 - 13:44
Herotopia: 13:45 - 14:08
HipChicas: 14:09 - 14:31
Innerstar University: 14:32 - 14:49
JimmiRocks: 14:50 - 15:02
Kung Fu Panda World: 15:03 - 15:15
Lasuni: 15:16 - 15:42
Space Heros Universe: 15:43 - 16:04
Disneys Virtual Magic Kingdom: 16:05 - 16:40
Littlest Pet shop VIP / LSP Online: 16:41 - 17:21
McWorld: 17:22 - 17:37
Me2: 17:38 - 17:51
Mingoville & Horseland : 17:52 - 18:11
World of Jumpstart: 18:12 - 18:41
Meez: 18:42 - 19:22
MiniMonos: 19:23 - 19:46
Baby Bottle Pop: 19:47 - 20:08
MiniPlanet: 20:09 - 20:52
MinyanLand: 20:53 - 21:07
Millsberry: 21:08 - 21:18
Miuchiz: 21:19 - 21:39
Monkey Quest: 21:40 - 22:03
Moshi Monsters: 22:04 - 23:00
Movie Star Planet: 23:01 - 23:35
Mundo Gaturro: 23:36 - 23:54
MyCoke: 23:55 - 24:17
MyePets: 24:18 - 24:40
NFL Rush Zone: 24:41 - 25:34
Nicktropolis / Club Nick: 25:35 - 26:14
OurWorld: 26:15 - 27:00
PanFu: 27:01 - 27:26
PepsiTown & PetPet Park: 27:27 - 27:47
PixieHollow: 27:48 - 28:15
Planet Soccer: 28:16 - 28:36
Planet Cazmo: 28:37 - 29:10
Pocoyoco World: 29:11 - 29:21
Precious Girls Club: 29:22 - 30:01
RocketOn: 30:02 - 30:23
SecretBuilders: 30:24 - 30:51
Shararam / RolyPolyLand: 30:52 - 31:11
Shining Stars: 31:12 - 31:50
SmallWorlds: 31:51 - 32:37
Smeet: 32:38 - 33:04
Spark City World / All Girls Arcade: 33:05 - 34:10
Super Secret: 34:11 - 34:48
TamaTown: 34:49 - 35:00
The Real Tooth Fairies: 35:01 - 35:24 35:25 - 35:54
TinierMe: 35:55 - 36:39
Tiny Planets: 36:40 - 37:02
Toonix: 37:03 - 37:39
ToonTown: 37:40 - 38:15
TootsVille: 38:16 - 38:45 38:46 - 39:36
U.B. Funkeys: 39:37 - 40:07
UpperDeckU: 40:08 - 40:29
VizWoz: 40:30 - 41:07
VSide: 41:08 - 41:50
WebbliWorld: 41:51 - 42:12
Webkinz: 42:13 - 42:34
Webosaurs: 42:35 - 42:51
WeeWorld: 42:52 - 43:35
Whirled: 43:36 - 44:00
Whyville: 44:01 - 44:22
The Travels of Wiglington & Weeks: 44:23 - 44:48
Through the Wild Web Woulds: 44:49 - 45:02
Woogi World: 45:03 - 45:24
WoozWorld: 45:25 - 45:41
World of Cars Online: 45:42 - 45:58
Xeko Elf Island: 45:59 - 46:40
Xivio: 46:41 - 47:06
Zula World: 47:07 - 47:21
Zwinky: 47:22 - 47:42
SeaPals: 47:43 - 47:55
BeBratz: 47:56 - 48:08
Kookeys: 48:09 - 48:22
baobao bengbeng & Cackleberries: 48:23 - 48:42
BoomgBang: 48:43 - 49:01
ActionJetz: 49:02 - 49:17
CampFu: 49:18 - 49:37
AWOLNow: 49:38 - 49:50
Second Life: 49:51 - 50:12
ZooKazoo: 50:13 - 50:35
ZibbieZone & YoWorld: 50:36 - 50:56
Girl Ambition: 50:57 - 51:07
Hello Kitty Online: 51:08 - 51:38
City Pixel: 51:39 - 51:56
Poptropica: 51:57 - 52:10
Fresbo World & Chapatiz: 52:11 - 52:28
GoPets: 52:29 - 52:39
vZone: 52:40 - 52:50
Weblin: 52:51 - 53:10
StarDoll: 53:11 - 52:22
IMVU: 52:23 - 54:04
Chit Chat City: 54:05 - 54:15
Outro: 54:16 - End
#virtualworlds #mmo #nostalgia