🌿 Ready to embark on your own food forest journey? Head on over to Goldifarms.com
https://goldifarms.com/ There'll you'll find our free workbook, articles, resources and more!
Looking to purchase worms, we got ours from Uncle Jim: https://unclejimswormfarm.com/?affiliates=1061
We got started by reading the Fabulous book, Worms Eat My Garbage, by Mary Appelhof and highly recommend it:
Link to Vermicompost Meta Analysis:
Aquarium Pump for your Worm tea:
Worm Tea sprayer (better than the one used in the video ;-)
Harvesting apron:
(the above links are affiliate links that help Goldifarms by earning us a small commission at no additional cost to you, if you use them, thank you 🙏)
About Goldifarms:
My name is Erin. I started Goldifarms in my backyard in January 2020 as part of my journey to heal myself and restore this land. I follow permaculture design principles to create regenerative abundance here on the Central Coast of California in zone 9a. My intention with this YouTube channel is to provide inspiration to connect with nature, grow your own food and medicine, and help create a more beautiful world together.
Thank you for all your support, I hope these videos will inspire you to follow your heart and pursue what lights up your life ✨ 🌼💛
Sending so much love to you on your journey. Thank you for watching 🐝💛🌻
If you never want to miss a Goldifarms video, subscribe by clicking here: https://youtube.com/goldifarms?sub_co...
00:00- Our secret to the Goldifarms transformation
00:37 - Why create a vermicompost system
01:36 - What you need to create a worm bin
03:16 - The worms you need and where to get them
03:48 - How to add food scraps the best way
04:57 - Making Vermicompost magic!
05:33- The science behind worm castings
06:05 - Get that GoldiGlow ✨
06:18 - How we Brew Worm Tea (recipe)
08:00 - Worm tea application methods
Music from Epidemic Sound. If you create videos and are looking for a huge selection of music, feel free to use my epidemic referral for a free month: https://share.epidemicsound.com/hlg6dg