ইফতারে প্রাণ জুড়ানো ৫ রকমের শরবত রেসিপি।। easy 5 type of lemon juice recipe। iftar special shorbot।
ইফতারে প্রাণ জুড়ানো ৫ রকমের শরবত রেসিপি।। easy 5 type of lemon juice recipe। iftar special shorbot।
#viralvideo #food #recipe #trending #trendingvideo #trend #shorbot #lemonjuice #lemonjuicerecipe
1. Basic lemon juice:-
Lamon juice-2 tablespoon
Sugar syrup-3 tablespoon
Isub- gul-1 teaspoon
Cold water-350ml
2.Mint lemon juice:-
Lemon juice-2 tablespoon
Sugar syrup -4 tablespoons
Mint leaf juice-2 tablespoon
Cold water-350ml
3.mint ginger lemon juice:-
Lemon juice-2 tablespoon
Sugar syrup -3 tablespoons
Mint leaf juice -1 tablespoons
Ginger juice -1/3 teaspoon
Rock salt -1/4 teaspoon
Salt -1/4 teaspoon
Cold water -350ml
4. Jira pani-
Lemon juice-2 tablespoon
Sugar syrup -3 tablespoons
Coriander leaf juice -2 teaspoon
Mint leaf juice -1 tablespoons
Rock salt -1/4 teaspoon
Salt -1/4 teaspoon
Rosted Cumin powder -1 teaspoon
Cold water -350ml
5.apple lemon juice:-
Ice cubes -1/2 cup
Lemon juice-2 tablespoon
Sugar syrup-3 tablespoon
Apple juice-200ml
Cold water-150ml