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[曲奇]拌一拌就能做出酥掉渣的唧花曲奇/擠花曲奇/朱古力曲奇/easy butter cookies recipe/chocolate cookies recipe

Yummy Yummy 6,831 5 years ago
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這是我自己用了十多年的食譜, 這款曲奇也是最超受小朋友歡迎的, 特別是朱古力味. 這款曲奇做法非常簡單, 不用打發牛油, 所以沒有電動打蛋器也能輕鬆完成, 成品牛油味香濃, 口感酥酥的, 但又不會酥到拿不起的程度. 這樣簡單又美味的曲奇, 誠意分享給你, 有空你也試試吧^^ 原味材料: - unsalted butter 無鹽牛油/黃油 100G - icing sugar 糖霜 25G - whole egg pulp 全蛋液 12G - cake Flour 低筋麵粉 65G - bread flour 高筋麵粉 35G - corn starch 粟粉 16G - salt 鹽 1G - vanilla extract 雲尼拿香精/香草精 1.5G 朱古力味(巧克力)材料: - unsalted butter 無鹽牛油/黃油 100G - icing sugar 糖霜 25G - whole egg pulp 全蛋液 12G - cake Flour 低筋麵粉 50G - bread flour 高筋麵粉 35G - corn starch 粟粉 16G - cocoa powder 可可粉 15G - salt 鹽 1G - vanilla extract 雲尼拿香精/香草精 1.5G 準備: - 焗爐預熱170°C/338°F - 牛油切成小塊, 放至微軟 做法: 1.牛油切成小塊, 放軟至手指按下有淺印, 加入糖霜, 攪拌均勻 2.全蛋液分三次加入, 每加一次必需拌勻至牛油完全吸收再加入下一次 3.加入鹽和雲尼拿香精, 攪拌均勻 4.一次篩入低筋麵粉, 高筋麵粉, 粟粉, (可可粉), 用壓拌法拌至沒有乾粉 5.把麵糰放入擠花袋中, 擠出喜歡的花紋 6.放入已預熱170°C/338°F的焗爐, 焗約20分鐘至邊緣出現金黃, 取出放涼(一次吃不完請放入密封容器內保存) tips: - 想花紋保持清晰, 牛油不能放太軟, 也不要打發牛油 - 鹽不能省略, 鹽可以提升曲奇味道的層次, 沒有鹽的曲奇只有死甜, 不好吃 - 想要酥的口感, 一定要用糖霜 - 一定要用厚的擠花袋 - 我用的花嘴是SN7092 How to Make: - preheat oven to 170°C/338°F - cut the butter into a small piece , leave them out on the counter until it is a little bit soft 1. mix together butter and sugar 2. stir in egg pulp in three times 3. add vanilla extract and salt, mix well 4. sift together the cake flour, bread flour and cornstarch(cocoa powder) in the bowl, gradually stir in until completely combined 5. place the dough into a piping bag fitted with a large tip and pipe in a baking tray 6. 170°C/338°F, bake 20min(bake until edges are just beginning to turn golden brown.) facebook instagram 其他曲奇食譜: 椰香脆餅 朱古力杏仁曲奇
