A super easy, delicious cranberry orange mead from store bought juice? That's right. Let's make this really easy honey wine using cranberry juice instead of whole fruit.
How did it taste after a year of ageing? Find out here: https://youtu.be/je3UqVQpIrQ
2 lbs (.907 kg) Orange Blossom Honey: [email protected]
96 oz Cranberry Juice
2 g Fermaid O
1 Pack Cote Des Blancs Wine Yeast: https://amzn.to/3RcVnBM
1 Orange worth of zest
1/2 teaspoon Wine Tannin: https://amzn.to/3HfnP1w
1/2 teaspoon Pectic Enzyme: https://amzn.to/3JlVb1c
20 oz Water
1/2 teaspoon Yeast Hulls if your brew stalls: https://amzn.to/3Y2dv3F
Back sweeten with Honey to Gravity reading of 1.032 (or to your personal tastes)
Too much Sugar?: https://youtu.be/C-Ae9w1ewbU
Degassing: https://youtu.be/vE7QdrqxUv8
Pasteurization: https://youtu.be/zWBU3EI-EFo
Bottling: https://youtu.be/RN985pf9Ews
ABV: https://youtu.be/xNwNZgeTtIE
Little Big Mouth Bubbler: https://www.northernbrewer.com/products/little-big-mouth-bubbler
Scale: https://amzn.to/3JmJPdB
Star San: https://amzn.to/3Dm1gaa
Brewer's Elite Hydrometer Set: https://amzn.to/407VCSN
Baster: https://amzn.to/3Y6iLmY
WUSS: https://amzn.to/3WNoSLP
Zester: https://amzn.to/3XZEMDM
Our Favorite Pitcher: https://amzn.to/408fyVN
1 Gallon Carboy with Airlock: https://amzn.to/3JmRs3u
Auto Siphon: https://amzn.to/3H8CRpy
Belgian Tasting Glass: https://amzn.to/40dfi7O
Glencairn Glasses: https://amzn.to/407VSBf
Bottling Wand: https://amzn.to/408eUrk
Fun T-shirts: https://city-steading.com/product-category/t-shirts/
Some items used in the making of this video (We are Amazon Affiliates and as such do receive a small commission if you purchase anything after using one of our links. There is no cost to you for this, but it does help the channel and enables us to keep bringing you content. Thank you!)
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