Welcome to OLIVIA'S WORLD on The Cohen Show! Today, you can learn how to get your backbend, front limber, and back walkover with Olivia's simple, fast, and easy gymnastics tutorial! ↓↓↓↓FUN STUFF BELOW!↓↓↓↓ 💥 BE AWESOME & SUBSCRIBE! 💥 https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCohenShow 🌈🦄 SUBSCRIBE to OLIVIA'S WORLD! 🌈🦄 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWtC4EPmKkGvmeFidiWpYqg?sub_confirmation=1 ⚡️Watch More of The Cohen Show!⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6YrG7PFfSw&list=UUGX7zXjsQRUMg916AsXFQ3A 👕COHEN SHOW MERCH!!👕 https://the-cohen-show.creator-spring.com 📷Follow Cohen on INSTAGRAM! http://instagram.com/the.cohen.show The Cohen Show is a family vlog YouTube channel featuring 6-year-old Cohen and his little sister, Olivia. We do fun stuff and make videos. You can usually find us at the skatepark or other fun places. We would love it if you would subscribe to our channel! Thank you for the support! 🌈🦄--MORE OLIVIA'S WORLD--🌈🦄 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLylpCMtKicxNRdTdlKgTWXPc-2y_72qvU --BEST OF THE COHEN SHOW-- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLylpCMtKicxOjpaIwGEaPgf_UMyfsUkas --CHALLENGES AND CANDY REVIEWS-- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLylpCMtKicxOF8F3CyavPGfj2ocCFtbEQ #gymnastics #gymnasticstutorial Royalty Free Music: