Easy recipe to make the perfect Marshmallows!
Deliciously soft, spongy & tasty Marshmallows.
These Marshmallows are really easy & simple to make & do taste much better than store-bought ones. If you love Marshmallows, this recipe is definitely for you! Follow our detailed step by step recipe & recreate this childhood favorite at home. Get Cooking Now!
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Chapters with Timestamps:
00:00 - Marshmallow
00:30 - Step 1 - Preparing the Ingredients
01:16 - Step 2 - Soaking the Gelatin
01:35 - Step 3 - Preparing the Sugar - Corn Flour Mix
02:00 - Step 4 - Preparing the Container
02:32 - Step 5 - Preparing the Sugar Syrup
04:17 - Step 6 - Preparing the Marshmallow Mixture
05:13 - Step 7 - Setting the Marshmallow
06:40 - Step 8 - Unmolding the Marshmallow
Goan Christmas Sweets Playlist link :
Gelatin - 2 tbsp
Water - ½ cup / 120 ml
Sugar powder - ½ cup
Corn Flour - ¼ cup
Sugar - 1 cup / 200 gms
Water - ½ cup / 120 ml
Salt - 1 pinch
Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
Red Food Colour - 1/8 to ¼ tsp
Container - 6"x 6" or an equivalent size
Ice Cold Water
Oil & butter paper
Note: Store it in an airtight container & refrigerate
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