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Easy PVC Pipe Bending (How To/DIY)

NightHawkInLight 1,254,192 5 years ago
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In this video we're back with backyard roller coaster expert Paul Gregg to learn his secrets for perfect PVC pipe bending. Check out my sponsor Brilliant for a really fun way to learn! This pipe bending method works for large or small plastic pipe. The pipe in the thumbnail image for this video is 1/2" in diameter and bent by hand using sand heated in my wood stove. It really works well. Hope you find this method useful! Visit Paul Gregg's YouTube channel here: You can find Paul's books and other information about building your own rollercoaster on his website: It's thanks to viewers like you supporting me on Patreon that I'm able to continue making videos and strive to constantly improve them. Thank you so much for your support, and a special thanks to my top Patrons: Enzo Breda Lee & TheBackyardScientist! Thanks for watching! -Ben
