Синяк обыкновенный (Échium vulgáre) агротехника / синяк медонос / синяк сидерат
Échium vulgáre agricultural technology and use as a green manure and honey plant.
Échium vulgáre fits well with perennial crop rotations.
ÉchiumVulgáre must be present on a full-fledged honey production line.
Lecture leads
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Savin Anatoly Pavlovich
Head of the Department of Beekeeping and Pollination
You can buy ÉchiumVulgáre for honey production line here:
You can buy Melilótus officinális seeds of a two-year phytosanitary and honey plant on our website:
Buy Phacélia tanacetifólia you can on our website:
Buy seeds of Echinops sphaerocephalus you can here:
Tips for gardens and for vegetable gardens.