Eco Friendly - Off Grid Home : Solar, Rainwater Harvesting , Bio-gas , Solar Cooking and Cool Roof
This project shows almost all the simple technologies that we are working on . This also shows that it is is pretty simple to live comfortably off the grid.
The home has the following ;
1. Complete Off the grid solar power running all the electrical appliances 24 x 7.
2. A Bio gas plant for converting the household waste into useful cooking gas and liquid fertilizer.
3. A solar cooker for making rice and dal during summers.
4. An open well that meets the entire water requirement for the house throughout the year.
5. The roof is painted to increase the efficiency of the solar panels, to keep the home cool and to increase the rainwater run off.
All the above are simple and pretty easy to implement and use.
With the help of all these simple technical interventions and some small lifestyle changes , the entire home now is independent of the public utility grid for energy and water . A family of 4 lives here comfortably off the grid .
More information about these technical interventions are in the link below
1. Hybrid/ Off grid solar :
2. Bio gas plant :
3. Filtration and monitoring of Bio gas plant :
4. Shallow aquifer and Ground water recharge :
5. Solar Cooking :
Music Credit : Bensound