ଅଣ୍ଡା ଆଳୁ ଭଜା।anda alu bhaja | anda aloo bhujia in odia |anda alu recipe odia |anda alu bhujia recipe odia |anda bhujia egg potato bhujia in odia | egg potato fry in odia :- Egg potato bhurji recipe is a very simple & quick recipe which usally serve with rice ,roti, & its wonderful in breakfast ,lunch & dinner.so learn to make egg potato bhurji recipe by odia gruhini.
4 eggs
1 potato
2 onion
2 tamato
1 green chilly
salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp fried cumin & dry red chilli powder(bhaja lanka jira gunda)
1 tbsp tamato sauce
4 tbsp mustard oil
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ମସଲାଦିଆ ମାଛ ଭଜା recipe:https://youtu.be/9BhcL6pJVSk
Thanks for watching 👍
Passion in Cooking 😋
Regards Debashree
#eggbhujiainodia #ଅଣ୍ଡାଆଳୁଭୁଜିଆ #odiagruhini