Elaine and Something Corny are working with Artist Estella Castle as part of Egham Visions, an artist residency established by Egham Museum and funded by the Arts Council England.
Learn to make a very simple Harvest Token from straw, then have it displayed in the upcoming Egham Visions exhibition with Artist in Residence, Estella Castle.
Kits for this project will be available from the Egham Museum, please contact: [email protected]
02:52 Harvest Tokens
07:52 Preparing the straws
11:51 Clove Hitch
17:06 Compass Plait
20:50 Contructing the Egham Favour
Find out more about the Egham Visions artist residency by following us or visiting the project website on the links below;
Estella Castle Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/estella.castle/
Egham Visions Website: https://visions.eghammuseum.org/
Egham Museum Instagram https://www.instagram.com/museumegham/
Egham Museum Twitter: https://twitter.com/eghammuseum
Rosemary Sault: http://www.simplystraw.co.uk
Something Corny: https://www.somethingcorny.co.uk