Ekadashi Vrat me kya khaye kya na khaye "एकादशी व्रत क्या खाएं और क्या नहीं खाएं " Varuthni Ekadashi
In this video "What to Eat in Varuthini Ekadashi" is a guide to the traditional Hindu festival of Varuthini Ekadashi and the foods that are typically consumed on this day. The video provides information on the significance of Varuthini Ekadashi and why it is considered an auspicious day . It then goes on to highlight the types of food that are commonly consumed on this day, including specific dishes and ingredients.
he video may also feature recipes and cooking tips to help viewers prepare these foods at home. Overall, this video is a helpful resource for anyone looking to learn more about the customs and traditions associated with Varuthini Ekadashi and how to participate in the festival through food.
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