感谢赞助 Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
Piano Master International
Triple One Properties Pte Ltd
陈延谦基金 Tan Ean Kian Foundation
TKNP International
国家艺理会 NAC 和新加坡艺术基金 Artsfund
巫漪丽女士生于1931年是中国第一代钢琴家、中国钢琴启蒙人之一。 自幼酷爱音乐,曾随前上海交响乐团指挥,著名钢琴家,音乐教育家梅帕器(Maesteo Mariopaci) 学习钢琴。梅帕器是世界钢琴大师李斯特的再传弟子。1949年首次和上海交响乐团合作演出贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲反应热烈。
1982年在美国深造,随当时美国钢琴协会主席Ozan Marsh 学习钢琴表演艺术及新式“形象”的教学法,获得“音乐家”称号。
她在伴奏工作方面一直秉承前苏联著名声乐家苏石林所教导的原则 : “伴奏应该是艺术指导,而不仅是演奏音符,是和合作者共同进入音乐意境,是音乐背景的共同创造者,要有深厚的文化素养”。她和著名小提琴家孔昭晖合作演奏的五首中国乐曲录制成CD专辑,畅销国内外。2004年她随新加坡“百合女声艺术团”参加在无锡举行的第七界国际合唱节,获“优秀伴奏奖”。她虽人到晚年,仍“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,犹如一朵绽开已久的玫瑰,继续散发余香。
Born in Shanghai, China, Mdm Elaine Wu has ardent love of music since childhood. She was the first award winner in the 1st Shanghai Children's Music competition of 1939 in shanghai after 1 year's piano study. Then she was introduced to study with the world's famous pianist, Maestro Mario Paci who is the grand pupil of Franz Liszt and conductor of former Shanghai Municipal Symphony Orchestra.
She made her debut in 1949: playing Beethoven's Piano concerto No. 1 with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and won extraordinary fame. She also taught in Shanghai Conservatory of music and Mdm Sun Yat-sien Children Ensemble. She also worked in the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra both as pianist and chamber musician.
In 1954 she was both the pianist and chamber musician in the Central symphony Orchestra in Beijing. She was the first pianist to play in the joint-recital with the famous violinist Yang Bim Suen. The show was warmly welcomed. She was conferred the title of "First Class National Pianist" and then the Prime Minister Zhou Enlai met her in Zhongnanhai. In order to expand music field, since 1982, she studied the art of piano performing and the new trend "Visualization Teaching Method" with Ozan Marsh, president of American Pianists Association and won the certificate of 'wonderful musician'.
Her rendering is enthusiastic delicate, good quality and variety of tone. She can express the compositions from the bottom of the music mingled with the literature, art painting and nature. She turned her ardent love of music to the unusual music.
Apart from the piano teaching and performing, she also composed and arranged numerous Chinese piano music including the piano part of the well -known violin concerto Butterfly Lovers, and Cantonese music Peace and Prosperity.
Living in Singapore, she keeps active in piano solo and accompaniment. In 2004, she joined Singapore's Bai-He Lady Chorus in the 7th International Chorus Festival in China and won award of Excellence Piano Accompaniment. Now, she is nurturing and training the adult students using the new pedagogy methods she learned in USA and is widely welcomed.
Elaine Wu passed away in Singapore on 20 April 2019 at 10pm at 88 year old.