We simulate an earth leakage current (earth fault) with a plug in voltage indicator on a socket circuit (ring final circuit). We use the Megger DCM305E earth leakage clamp meter to find the part of the circuit or appliance causing this earth leakage. We demonstrate how the Megger DCM305E can save you time when looking for fault on electrical circuits.
You can contact Megger instruments for more details via the link below
= 🕐 Time Stamps - Cut to the action 🕕 ==
00:00 - Megger DCM305E earth leakage clamp
00:30 - Finding earth leakage current
00:55 - The rig has a ring final sockets circuit and radial lighting circuit
02:09 - Operate the MCB's / RCBO's
03:20 - Split the ring
04:13 - Identifying the fault
Videos are training aids for City and Guilds (C and G) and EAL courses Level 1, 2, 3 plus AM2, AM2S and AM2E.
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