黒瀬圭亮(コンポーザー)と石据カチル(イラストレータ)による音楽プロジェクトELFENSJóNの4作目のアルバム「EPHEMERA」からの1曲。「ASH OF ROUGE」の世界観を引き継ぐ、兄妹のもうひとつの物語。
This is the song from the 4th album "EPHEMERA" by ELFENSJóN, Creative project by Keisuke Kurose (composer) and Kachiru Ishizue (illustrator). It is another story of the brother and sister that takes over the world of "ASH OF ROUGE".
ELFENSJóN(エルフェンシオン) Album『EPHEMERA』より『暁を葬れば』
Music. 黒瀬圭亮 https://twitter.com/nox_en_closer
Illustration. 石据カチル https://twitter.com/kachiru_i
Lyrics. ELFENSJóN(黒瀬圭亮)
▸OFFICIAL WEBSITE:https://elfensjon.site/ephemera/
▸チャンネル登録 / Subscribe here ➥ https://bit.ly/31TIgdY
特装版(Special Edition):https://diverse.direct/elfensjon/elsj-0004sp/
通常版(Normal Edition):https://diverse.direct/elfensjon/elsj-0004/
▼Apple Music
Compose & Arrangement / Other all instrument / Lyrics 黒瀬 圭亮
Illustration 石据 カチル
Guest Vocal YURiCa/花たん
Guest Guitar みゅー(From Imy)
Guest Bass kakeyan
Strings Arrangement Masahiro "Godspeed" Aoki
Guest Key 岸田 勇気
Mix 藤浪 潤一郎
Mastering 瀧口 “Tucky” 博達(Tucky’s Mastering Inc.)
MV ①
Copyright ELFENSJóN, All Rights Reserved.