“I Need Your Love Tonight” was recorded by Elvis on 10 June 1958 at RCA’s studio B in Nashville in what would be Elvis’ final pre army recording session. The next time that Elvis would be in a recording studio would be on 20 March 1960 at the same venue for one of the finest sessions of his career.
The song was the first recorded that Tuesday evening in a session which began at 7pm and finished the following morning around 5am. The song was completed in eighteen takes with the final take chosen as the RCA master.
“I Need Your Love Tonight” was released on 10 March 1959 as the flip side to the wonderful “A Fool Such As I”, the “First Take to Master” of that can be found here : https://youtu.be/5Yom3ZNqws8
It’s album release was to be on Elvis’ final album of the fifties, “50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong – Elvis’ Gold Records Vol.2” which hit the shops on 13 November 1959.
As with all of these videos, to get the most out of the re-edited audio, I highly recommend you use ear /headphones and turn the volume up as much as you dare!