Did you know that being a “good person” is not good enough? The Bible tells us that the human condition is broken and sinful and therefore we need a Savior—Jesus. We can’t do or say enough good things to overcome our broken condition. But here’s the good news—God offers us forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus and what He did on the cross when he died for our sins. That act of kindness and mercy is God’s grace. In today’s teaching from a sermon that Paul delivered in Acts 13, Pastor Gary urges us to embrace God’s grace and receive the forgiveness we all need!
00:00 - Introduction
06:44 - Paul’s First Missionary Tour
06:49 - Took about 2 years to complete
06:56 - He will sail from Syria to the island of Cyprus to several cities in Asia Minor(Turkey) and then back to Antioch in Syria
08:31 - His traveling companion is Barnabas; the are later joined by John Mark (writer of the Gospel of Mark)
08:44 - Paul’s first convert is Sergius Paulus, the proconsul (governor) of Cyprus
18:25 - The Definition of GRACE in the Bible: “God’s unmerited favor; His undeserved kindness”
19:38 - The word “Grace” (or some form of it) appears 185 times in the Bible.
19:48 - First time “grace” appears in the Bible(Gen.6:8) - “but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”
20:58 - Last time “grace” appears in the Bible (Rev. 22:21) - “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen”
21:19 - Key points about GRACE
21:22 - 1) Grace is one of the key attributes of God (Psalm 145:8)
21:43 - 2) Grace is personified in Jesus (John 1:14,17)
22:20 - 3)Grace is the basis for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:7-9)
23:24 - Threefold purpose of the Law
23:32 - 1) It explains God's righteous standard (Rom. 7:7)
23:35 - 2) It exposes our sinful condition (Heb. 4:12)
23:38 - 3) It expresses our need for a Savior (Gal 3:24-25)
If you made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior text "I have decided" to 703-844-9969. We'd love to rejoice with you and to send you a Bible! For next steps on how to grow in your relationship with Jesus check out https://cornerstonechapel.net/grow/
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