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Emerald Light Codes stimulate DNA repair and spiritual healing, connecting you with your body's natural healing ability. The miracle frequency 528Hz is a sonic portal to cellular rejuvenation, deeply attuned to nature’s life-sustaining energy. Infused with the essence of emerald green, this experience connects us to Earth’s nurturing vibrations, grounding us in her potent life-force energy. The 528Hz frequency is not just a tone but a vibration found in all living matter. This resonance forms part of the natural rhythm of life and is mirrored in the vibrant green of chlorophyll—the most powerful healing pigment in biology. Chlorophyll, vibrating at 528Hz, is essential to plant life, absorbing sunlight and creating energy, while also embodying a frequency that profoundly supports the healing of all biological life. When we immerse ourselves in this frequency, we align with the forces of regeneration, renewal, and harmony.
Pleiadian Sound Healing Album
Otherworldly tones and ethereal vocals, harmonize with mesmerizing musical landscapes, to create a powerful vortex of healing and transformation. The soothing sounds work harmoniously to activate dormant codes within your DNA, unlocking your innate wisdom and inviting profound shifts in consciousness.
Love and Light,
Jenny & Seth
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Music for meditation, relaxation, yoga, study, sleep, and more
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Códigos de Luz Esmeralda 528Hz - Reparación del ADN - Baño de Sonido del Portal Sanador - Calma el Sistema Nervioso
Códigos de Luz Esmeralda 528Hz - Reparo de DNA - Banho de Som do Portal de Cura - Acalma o Sistema Nervoso
Codes de lumière émeraude 528 Hz - Réparation de l'ADN - Bain sonore du portail de guérison - Calme le système nerveux
Smaragdlichtcodes 528 Hz – DNA-Reparatur – Heilungsportal-Klangbad – beruhigt das Nervensystem
エメラルド ライト コード 528Hz - DNA 修復 - ヒーリング ポータル サウンド バス - 神経系を落ち着かせる Emerarudo raito kōdo 528 Hz - dīenuē shūfuku - hīringu pōtaru saundo basu - shinkei-kei o ochitsukaseru