From a very early age, Samantha developed emetophobia and, as is the case with many suffering from this phobia, she struggled to find real help.
Many doctors didn't understand the phobia and often prescribed sedatives to help her relax. With no real treatment available, Samantha became really ill and couldn't hold down a job or have an active social life.
She even had to get married in a private ceremony, for fear of having a panic attack if lots of people were present.
Samantha's life was being ruined by this huge phobia of vomiting, called 'emetophobia' (and sometimes called SPOV - Specific Fear of Vomiting) and she suffered for 18 years, along with panic attacks and anxiety issues.
Finally, she realised she had to conquer her phobia when she was talking about chemotherapy with her husband. Although she didn't have cancer, she said that she would rather not have chemo treatment should she ever have cancer, incase it made her sick. She would rather die than feel ill. At this point she began to seek out help.
She tried NLP, hypnotherapy, EMDR, CBT, exposure therapy.. none of these treatments worked. Eventually, she came across the story of Mary (, an 81-year-old former emetophobia sufferer who was cured using The Thrive Programme's Cure Your Emetophobia & Thrive book.
After ordering the book and going through the programme with a Thrive Programme Coach® - experts in dealing with this phobia - Samantha was pleased to announce: "After 18 years, I am not an emetophobic - I am a functioning person!"
If you found Samantha's story helpful we recommend watching some more inspiring emetophobia recovery stories:
🌟 Start overcoming your phobia today!
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Thanks for watching :)
Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting/sickness: either yourself, other people, or both. Research suggests 0.1 to 8.8% percent of the population have a fear of being sick (Hout & Bouman, 2011). Emetophobia is a debilitating phobia, which significantly impacts your life: sufferers are chronically anxious and go to great lengths to avoid encountering anything sickness-related, which provides temporary relief but often results in a rollercoaster of anxiety, fear and exhaustion. Issues associated with emetophobia include: OCD, eating difficulties, anxiety-related gastric problems, phagophobia, tocophobia and more. Our goal is to raise awareness of this severe phobia and provide a solution for sufferers and their families.
All the ex-emetophobes in this YouTube channel used the special Emetophobia version of The Thrive Programme to overcome their phobia. If you are emetophobic, or know someone who is, you can no doubt relate to many of the experiences people share in their testimonials. We hope this reassures you that you’re not alone, and that you do not need to live with this debilitating phobia forever.
The Thrive Programme for Emetophobia (also known as Cure your Emetophobia and Thrive) is the single most successful and predictable method for getting rid of your emetophobia. It has helped over 20,000 emetophobes around the world overcome their phobia.
You can study the programme at home by yourself with a workbook (currently being translated into a number of other languages, as well as a version for the Visually Impaired), a comprehensive online course, or be guided through with a specially-trained Thrive Programme Coach® (face to face or online). Whatever way you choose, the results are predictable, and give you the tools to overcome it, for good.