Empire of Death is the culmination of everything wrong with series 14 of Doctor Who put to the forefront. It's honestly quite impressive how terrible this story is on every conceivable level, my favourite writer for Doctor Who ever has just written one of the worst stories ever, so I had to go in. This video marks the next chapter for this channel, as this will be the final video I'll make on this laptop that I've been editing with for 4 years at this point (it crashed 4 times making this video lol) and this will be my last video for awhile until I can manage to afford a PC and can recover from how awful this story is lol. ENJOY.
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=34240123
0:00 Introduction
2:56 Beginning - A Worthless First Part
3:29 RTD's Inconsistent Morals
4:28 It Was Over Before It Even Began
7:48 Some More Plot Contrivance
8:12 The Impact of Fumbling Mysteries
9:05 The Doctor Kills….Why???
11:32 I Have a Mental Breakdown
12:02 The Memory Tardis Makes No Sense
13:15 The Stupidest Reveal In Doctor Who History
18:04 Times Sutekh Should've Woke Up
25:40 The Stupidest Reveal In Doctor Who History Part 2
38:11 More Lazy Copying
40:10 You Used Susan For This???
41:00 Final Points On The Stupidest Reveal
42:05 This Is Gonna Be Bad Isn't It?
42:47 Tonal Whiplash
44:25 That's Strange…
45:29 Where's Susan Triad??
48:06 The Big Sad….Not Really tbh
50:48 Bad Characterisation Ruins Emotional Impact
51:37 No Character Growth - Huge L
52:29 Why 9 And 10 Are Compelling Characters
58:37 Why 15 Doesn't Work
1:01:10 Sutekh Is A Moron And His Motivation Is Dumb
1:05:51 A Good Scene!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
1:06:53 Just Kidding Its Nonsense And It Sucks
1:10:08 Sutekh's Stupidity Reinforced
1:13:42 Contrived 73 Yards Connection
1:16:22 These Plots Are Forced Together
1:17:23 That's Even Stranger…
1:17:53 Horrendous World-building
1:18:35 What Happens To The Nostalgia Tardis?
1:21:56 Contrivance On Top Of Plot Holes
1:23:08 Self Admitted Narrative Collapse
1:25:27 Ruby's Worthless "Heroic" Moment
1:28:42 An Insultingly Stupid Resolution
1:38:21 15 Takes An Edgy Turn…Who Cares?
1:39:34 RTD2'S Lack Of Subtlety
1:42:14 Sutekh Was A Moron And His Build-up Was Dumb
1:44:35 More Tonal Whiplash
1:45:53 Why Ruby's Mum Reveal Doesn't Work
1:56:34 Surprise Special Guest
2:00:02 Ruby's Mum Reveal Still Doesn't Work
2:02:54 What A Horrible Thing To Say..
2:05:14 Ruby's Exit Sucks
2:09:08 Why RTD's Other Companion Exits Are Great
2:12:13 Inconsistent Characterisation Ruins Ruby's Exit
2:14:06 Just End Already
2:15:15 Outro - Absurd Plot
2:18:24 Outro - Pathetic Characters
2:22:28 Outro - Final Conclusion
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Doctor Who Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUQEnLDBV3hK0qW4OWFFxg
Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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