Enchantress, but with Infinite Untaps | Much Abrew
It's crazy how much adding Green Sun's Zenith to a deck can change how the deck plays, for example letting Enchantress go infinite by finding a single Seedcradle Witch!
Today's video is brought to you by Card Kingdom. You can pick up some Magic: the Gathering cards (and help support the show) at https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtggoldfish
► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/much-abrew-gsz-combo-enchantress-modern
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6837923#paper
◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/pZR0f
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/RutlJ
0:00 Start
5:26 Games